As for the photos you are seeing. They could be coming from any of 4 different cameras (Olympus dSLR, Canon G10, Nikon Coolpix S9100, Panasonic Lumix (this one not yet used)). The images are untouched and unprocessed so they are not at their possible best. And they have been shot by both Lisa and myself. Her images are very very good, shot with her Nikon, so telling who shot what, except her self portraits, tough to tell. Once home, an album of never before seen images, properly process for viewing will be published hopefully before the end of July. Notice and link will be posted here, so subscribe.
Back to the real world...
Our driver and Tahir picked us up this morning to go on a short cycling trip. Tahir said he hadn't been on a bike for many years (bull), but would give it a go. He did well. The ride reminded me much of our France cycling tours. If you see a hill, and then a bigger hill, guess what, that is where you are going. And as always, the hills are infinite. Just when you think around the corner is the top, there is another bend in the road climbing even higher.

(looks oh so happy at the start)
The bikes we really good. Lisa and I had a Scott and Tahir had a Giant. They were mountain bikes with fork lockout. I forgot to use the lockout. It would have helped. The bike shop owner had whatever, full spandex, clip less shoes, etc. I had sneakers. I don't have a chance even before we began - assuming I had a chance anyway.

Anyway, once we got very near the top Lisa had had enough. I probably did as well, this being my first ride of the year, but as you may know, I need to go the distance. Last year at this time, I would have had 11 plus weeks of cycling under my belt. Belt, hmm. Stats to date are I was up 1 pound after Istanbul, and may be up another at most another pound now. It would be nice to lose a few pounds on vacation, but if that were to happen, we'd need to change our itineraries (which allow us to sample (much) local cuisine). That's it! The itinerary is to blame.

Anyway, then comes the pay off. There is always a perceived payoff once you get to the top of a big hill. The downhill. Which often is tougher because unless you know the roads, you are cranking on the brakes most of the way down.

(reminder - click on an image to enlarge)

Almost near the bottom we stopped at a look off for a few pics and a drink, Turkish Tea of course. Over here, seems anyone and everyone can produce Turkish Tea in an instant. The vendor here had a table type stove with chimney and had it was fired up.
Now I did some simple math. We climbed an awful lot and the descent was unusually short. That is good. Means more descent to go. More payoff. More reward. Off we went. However, I could see that on the other side of the bottom on the hill - yup - was another hill, steeper than anything thus far. Oh oh.
The road took us up through a small town. For two very steep parts, it was either cycle up the hill at .5 km/h or walk the bike (not always easier) at 1 km/h. I chose to walk. Hey, I am still on vacation.
At the very top the big reward. Two lane each side divided paved highway back to the start line. Not to windy, but with some smooth curves. Speed limit 90. So go as fast as you want. Judging by my speed, I would guess I got it well over 60 if not to 70. Not as scary as on my road bike since this bike had the big fat mountain bikes tires.
So we cycled around the valley of Pancarlik and ended up in Ortahisar.
At the finish line, Turkish Tea of course. I love this stuff. Said got bye to the cycling man and the four of us amigos had a great lunch at a great restaurant called Ziggy, after the owner's now deceased doggie.

After lunch, said our good byes to Tahir. Very nice young man. Very smart young man. And (at times) very funny as well. Tahir, with some mentoring from me over the net, we can make you funny "at all times". ;)
We got back after 3pm. Tahir and "happy" our driver now deserve their rest as well. They have done everything scheduled, asked for, and much more. Thanks guys.

Before dinner, we decide to climb the castle. Very cool, from the top, the view was amazing.

(Uçhisar Kalesi ie castle)

Tonight we went up the street to a small local diner. What a friendly place, what great food, and what great prices. We really enjoyed ourselves. Big 1/2 litre beers for 6TL. Ice cold!!! What's not to like. I ordered trout for the first time in my life. After serving us the beer, saw him jump on the bike and ride up the hill. To buy a trout. I am sure of it. and his grilling is done curbside in a open BBQ with the cage type of system. Yummy.

(House of Memories Restaurant Cafe-Bar).
(Don't let the name fool you.)