We dropped by the cheetah kill to find a hyena feasting away. We watched him for a while. He was very skittish. He got up a few times and ran away, and then returned, or circled the bush. He was not happy with the location of the kill. Eventually he dragged the carcass across the road. He wanted to get away in case the three cheetahs return. As always, we witness these animals from literally 10 yards away, give or take.

A lioness was spotted by another jeep so off we went. I thought this a big mistake, but everyone was all about the cat so a muttered to myself at best and went along. We never did find the cat.
I then suggested we return to the hyena. The reason why... It has a kill, many animals will be at tracked to it. They will come and challenge the hyena. What a better way to see animals than to have them come to you and in a live arena demonstrate their interactions and conflicts.

We couldn't find the hyena or the carcass. He must have dragged it a long way away.

So off to the airstrip for final good byes. The Plane was our largest yet. It had a turbine driven prop instead of piston driven. An 8 seater plus 2 pilot seats. We had to make 3 touchdowns before we landed at Kwando Lagoon on our 4th landing.

Along the way we met on the plane a lovely couple from Connecticut on their honeymoon. They were having a great time.
At Kwando Lagoon we checked in, got our very large and spacious rooms and had time for a short rest before our evening drive. This place was newly renovated, the rooms have many many lights; but not a plug. Again we have communal charging by giving up our electronics/batteries to staff. At Little Kwara, during our stay there, Paul's battery got switched, accidentally of course, but unacceptable under any circumstances. Come on, we have a ceiling fan. Charging electronics all day would take less energy by a long shot when compared to running the ceiling fan. If I ever come back to Africa, and in hope I do, a plug in my room will be a show stopper.
The camp

Our tent

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