We saw some elephants. Again one got more than curious with us. Came 10 or so meters from the jeep. We were quiet and still. Then he decided to leave. Seems he was interested in Nancy's red top - a no no color. Of the three primary colors, sky is blue, vegetation is green. So red is something they don't see in nature and it sticks out and it disturbs them.

We saw some more zebras, Impalas, red lechwe and kudus.
Our guides then saw lion tracks and drag marks. We followed and came across the lion eating a mostly finished impala. We parked again oh so close next to another jeep also watching. I felt more vulnerable since the jeep is open, and just so available to anything that wanted us. Left then headed out. The lion paid us no attention. They ignore us, our cameras, the clicks, out talking, my coughing. Just don't stand up and make yourself look like it is not part of the jeep.

We stopped for drinks, I had a screw driver, at a swampy area. Time to add some clothing, the sun is down. Out on an island was a croc.

On our way back, it was now dark, we caught up to a hyena strolling down the same road. We figured he was on the scent of the lion's kill. He was. Once he came to the drag spot, he sniffed, and turned left. Of course, we followed. Just as he spotted the lion, she spotted him, he turned and bolted past our jeep. She ran after him at top speed right past our jeep.

We heard some rustling, a yelp, and then nothing. He got away. We proceeded to the kill. She came back and passed us on the way back to her kill. She them laid down and proceeded to finish her meal with vigor. You could hear the rib bones cracking as she crunched through them. We were told she was now in a hurry to finish in case the hyena came back with a couple of others. Two to three hyenas could possibly kill the lion. At best they would drive her away from her meal.

Another vehicle approached. They radio each other when they spot interesting things so all can share and they can track animal movement.
On the way back we spotted a giant eagle owl. They can grown 2 feet tall. What a magnificent bird.

Time for dinner. As we drove home the temperature kept dropping, it was now cold. The sky, clear, the stars, unbelievable. The milky way looks milky. Then the are the dippers, upside down, and the southern cross. What an amazing sky.

Dinner as always was fantastic. Time for bed. Up at 0600 for our next adventure.
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