Word on the street was a cheetah was spotted. Clever. So we decided to go and find it on the way to the runway. But we would have to make fast time. We did. Gee drove that jeep like a bat out of hell. Not like the lackadaisical bats that were hanging above us at breakfast back from their nightly feeding. Just before seeing it, nearby we spotted a couple of jackals.

After a half hour or so of speeding through trails, a couple of deep water crossings, through side roads lined with thorny brush, there it was. Sweet.

Many many photos later, after he decided to nap before his afternoon hunt, we left for the airstrip. And a bonanza came upon us. We ignored the elephants. Then came a herd of zebras, small and large. Many More giraffes, both young and old. Impalas. And I'm sure other animals but by now I had images of them all.

After a short plane ride on what looked like a newer but same size plane, we arrived at our new camp 10 minutes from the runway. The camp seems smaller, only 5 suites. The tents here are actually made of canvas, but in the air, wooden floors, outdoor shower, and a bath tub. Lisa likes bath tubs. We got here around 1:00 giving us some down time finally.

We showered, settled down, Lisa on the deck, me inside reading a photo magazine on the iPad when Lisa called me out to see the herd of Impalas below and all around our deck. Sweet. I snuck out, took many images, coughed a few times to perk their ears up, and finally they left. I went back in to resume my reading.

Geno get out here, a wart hog in the distance. Out I go. Yup. These pigs are tough to photograph. They ran whenever we came close to them. Look, 4 more. They are coming this way. They did, the whole family. They hung around like the impalas so that I could shoot them. Not under the best
conditions, from up high, backlit, mix of shadow and sun. But I did, and loved every minute of it. The whole time they saw us, but alertly ignored us. SNORTING, GRUNTING, softly but continuously the whole time.

As I type this, they are back, and Lisa is now on the deck with her camera. Sweet. The animals are doing a drive, to our place. Unreal. Cool. Did I say sweet. And we need to get ready for our first drive here, high tea at 3:30 and we drive at 4:00.
Gotta go. Cheers.
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